Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Supply Closet

Author’s note: This is a skit is to rewrite the scene where Doon finds the mayor sitting past out on the chair with supplies all around him and then the scene he tells Lina about it which is in the book The City Of Ember.

Doon: where’s that door

*Doon walking around trying to find the door. In the mean time you see Lina trying to do her work but is to distracted by the clues on why the power is going out*

Doon: Ow!!!! (With great pain) * As he bumps his head* Stupid pipe oh there’s that door

*walks in with the door loudly squeaking)

Mayor: Who’s there (with great anger) *furiously coming up in his chair*

*Doon freezes and covers his mouth with his hand*


*Doon backs away slowly while the mayor goes back to sleep*

*Scene Change*

*black out. When lights back on Lina is walking and doon comes rushing out on and stops right before he runs straight into her*



*Doon panting trying to catch his breath*

Doon: You won’t believe what I saw!!! (with great worry)

Lina: What what did you see!! (leaning in to her what he has to say)


*Lina looking disappointed*

Lina: soo we see him everyday……. Unfortunately *with attitude*


*Lina shocked and runs off Doon follows*

End scene

The City Not To Be Known

Author's note: In the book The City of Ember to explain the differences between these to characters.
It is simply amazing how two people can be so different yet so much alike. The characters in the book The City of Ember, by Jeanne Duprau are wonderful examples of that. Doon and Lina-the main characters in this book- are just that. Though their dreams and adventurous attitudes Doon and Lina are truly one of the same.

Just one of the many examples of Doon and Lina being similar is the ambitious attitudes they both share not only do they fight to save their city they found out the mayor is hiding a deep secret. Fighting against the mayor is tricky in itself but they have to find clues and figure them out all in private they cant tell a single soul.

Another way they are similar is their dying fear. If they got caught they would be in so much trouble because the mayor would figure out that they know his deep secret. They have t overcome going through doors or paths ways that they don’t know what’s in or on them.

Although they are the same in some ways they are different in others. Like Doon is more into the action. Lina on the other hand wants to just fix it and leave it. Doon just wants to see what’s on the other side. Lina is curious but doesn't know what to do.

In conclusion the story The City of Ember shows different but similar ways two completely different people can be so mush alike. Although I only named three there is so many more ways in this book.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chnage Is Always a Good Thing

Author's note: this 5 paragraph essay is about how the main character in the short story Thank You Ma'am changes throughout the story.

There she was minding her own business walking home on a dark, dark night when all of a sudden—snap—it happened. The strap on her purse brakes off and the boy falls to the ground with a loud thud. In the short story “Thank you, Ma’am” a boy named Roger starts to find out that sometimes the best thing you can do is ask.

In the beginning Rodger was a rough, tough guy that really didn’t have a good family life. I feel like he could have been abused maybe not like hitting or punching but he seemed not well fed or that fact his face was very dirty he probably doesn’t get taken care of that well. His life doesn’t seem all quite perfect back at his household.

As time goes on he still is questioning this lady he tries to rob. As she beat him up, then dragged him off to her house you could just imagine what was going threw his head. The change of him becoming a rough guy to a guy that understands that the best thing you could do is ask really starts to take place toward the middle of this short story.

As this night goes on he realizes that she wasn’t only cleaning him up and taking care of him but she was teaching him a lesson. Although it doesn’t tell you specifically that she taught him a lesson you can still tell it threw the words of this book. So what do you think the lesson was here? I thought it was that he didn’t need to try and steal her purse.

In conclusion he changes for the good instead of bad. Although he never saw this lady again, they parted with goodbyes. She eventually gave him money for the shoes he wanted in the beginning. Just like the main character Rodger you know sometimes the best thing you can do is ask.

Friday, February 10, 2012

A Quote is Never a Quote if it Doesn't Mean a Thing

Author's Note: This piece is about a quote that was in our story "The City Of Ember"

Every time I see the quote “The main thing is, pay attention. Pay close attention to everything, everything you see. Notice what no one else notices, and you’ll know what no one else knows. What you get is what you get. What you do with what you get, that’s more the point.” It really caught my eye when I was reading because it had so much passion in just a few sentences.

One reason I feel like this quote has a very powerful meaning is because if you don’t pay attention you could miss something really big that could help you along the way of your journey of life or anything for that matter.

Second reason is even if you’re not really on a journey or trying to find something it’s still a great quote because it’s true! If you actually listen to a teacher or your parents you’ll figure out that they are really smart and know what they are talking about.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The City Unknown

Author's note: This short speech is about the main conflict in The City Of Ember.

As the government runs The City of Ember they don’t realize bigger things are going on. The main conflict is that the main character Lina
is trying to save this city that no one knows about. It’s losing power so as she tries to fix this the government isn’t forcing her to work as a job messenger she still has to.

One way I feel like this could be resolved is the government pays more attention to the problems around them then controlling the people. Although some times control is good if it’s causing you not to see bigger problems. Then I would think you would want to know if your city is being destroyed.
The second way I feel like this could be resolved is if the main character teams up with the government and convinces them to fix it. Although that might not work she could go against the government and try to fix it herself or maybe a little help from her friends.

This conflict would be person vs. society because the main characters are going against the government to try to save this secret city. Although the government should be fixing it themselves they ate to busy running this city. Even though I feel like this should be resolved by the government It probably wouldn’t be as good as it is now.