Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Stolen Life

The Stolen life
By Emma Carlson

Time is forever but once it’s gone its gone and you can’t get it back. Jaycee Dugard knows this better than anyone, she can never get back the eighteen years of her life this old man and woman took from her from and her family on June 10, 1991 when she was only 11 years old.
It all started out one nice summer day in California she woke up feeling sick she was going to ask if she could stay home but her step dad was there and he didn’t like her very much. So she brushed it off and went to eat breakfast. After that she went to stand at the bus. As she walking to the bus she feels a quick stun and she was out she was so weak. She tries to grab something but what or whoever it is, is to strong…..
As she wakes up, she notices that she is in a dark room on a mattress. The man walks in and then he say that he has to put these handcuffs on because he doesn’t trust her yet. She keeps asking when can, I go home he keeps saying I don’t know. He leaves her, the tears start pouring down her cheek. She tries to get up but she is still weak. He comes in a few hours later bringing her food. As he sets the food down he takes off the handcuffs and leaves. He comes back a later and takes the trash and the tray the food was on then puts the handcuffs back on her.
Two years later she finds out that she is pregnant. She doesn’t know what to do she Is not trying to freak out but she was only 13 she didn’t know anything about being a mother. Phillip which is the man that kidnapped her brought her a TV in her cold dark and she watched pregnancy shows all through the months. Once the baby was ready to come she was home alone. Finally Phillip came in. He called for his wife and she brought towels and water and everything they needed. After a tough day she final sees her baby girl.
Three years after having her first child she had another baby girl when she was 16. But the two girls didn’t know that Jaycee was actually hers they thought Jaycee was there older sister. Finally one day Phillip and the two girls are driving and the police pulls them over. She notices that he looks familiar. So she brings him in to do questioning and one of the other police officers was talking to the two girls. She noticed they didn’t talk much but they did tell her that they had a older sister. She wanted them to bring the whole family in. The lady asked Jaycee for her name she didn’t know what to say. She wrote it down on a piece of paper because she was to scare to say it out loud.

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