Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Author’s note: This is about the theme defying stereotypes in “The Outsider”
Has there ever been a guy you saw walking down the street and you think to yourself “Wow he must be the bad guy. Look at him! I mean the leather jacket and the boots.” But he could really be a nice guy with a soft spot for everything. Stereotypes are just people judging other people by what they look like.
In the book “The Outsiders” the society judges the group of Greaser's who are like the outsiders of this society. They are dirty, poor, greasy, not as well educated, and attractive. But they don’t have a very good family life. They might be all of these things but they always are there for their “family”. Family to them is not a mom or a dad to them it’s like their friends in there group. It doesn’t matter if their real brothers or fake brothers it’s still love.
People judging other people are just categorizing with stereotypes. They never bother to get to know the real person. But if they don’t try would you even bother to like them for who they are?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Outsiders

Authors Note: This is a piece that shows the view of Johnny during the fight with the Socs.

As we were running it was cold, and dark. I could barely see where I was walking. The flickering of the lights made it seem like something straight out of a horror film. As we head to the park it is almost dead silence, So we start to talk. I’m not really paying attention though.
We finally get to the park; I thought the walk would never end. We sit down on the cold and dewy fountain. For a few seconds it was the only things we could hear. The water rushing from the fountain was peaceful, but spooky.

All of a sudden I see five dark figures coming towards us. As I look closer and closer I see its Bob and his group of Socs they seem a little tipsy and uncoordinated. They started talking Bob said “Hey whatta ya know, here the little greasers that picked up our girls. Hey greasers.” I said, “You’re outa your territory. You better watch it.” “Nup, Pal yer the one better watch it. Next time you want to broad, pick up yer own kind-dirt” I could tell Ponyboy was getting mad but I was also I wasn’t really surprise considering Bob is a total jerk. Bob just went on about how greasers are trash but were not the trash he is. I could see Ponyboy just couldn’t take it anymore He just spit on Bob. He did the thing that all the Greasers have been wanting to do for a really long time.

Finally Socs just grab Ponyboy and held him in the water. They were drowning him. I start to panic, I didn’t know what to do. I froze just for a quick second. Then I grab my switch blade and I killed him. I killed Bob. I just panicked but they let go of Ponyboy. He looks confused. I tell him we have to run. We don’t know where or for how long but we a just going to run.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Proud to be an American

Love, care, honor, and hope what do these words mean to you? What’s the first thing that pops into your head? A lot of you probably think a child or your family and friends. I thought that to but I realized they all are our country the love is everyone in the country supporting each other. Care stands for all the Police, Fire Fighters, Army, and many more jobs that people volunteer for. The honor stands for the soldiers that are fighting for our freedom and our lives. Last but not least hope. Hope is for all the kids and adults that are homeless or poor.
One of the reasons why we should love our country is because it’s a free country. We can speak or minds and know we won’t get shot or killed or even punished for what we believe in or think. I am a very big believer on how the death penalty should be banned from jails and I have the right to think that. If you don’t agree with me you can think that to.
The second reason why is because we have allot of the medical supplies and schooling. If you have a simple cold you can go to the doctor and they’ll right you a prescription. They is more schooling for kids to get a better education and get a better job.

What does hope, love, honor, and care mean to you? There are many reasons why you should love your country but those were just a few. Other examples are we are a democracy or that the president is trying to do every the can even though it might have some flaws he will still make it better.