Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bullying or just categorizing

Stereotyping, everyone has done it at least once but if you think about it it’s really not that much different from bullying. It hurts to think that one person might think your trouble or Emo just because you act different or wear different clothes. It affects them even more then you think it does.
This connects to me because in our school there are all these different groups we have the preps, the sport girls, the sport guys, the popular girls, the popular guys, and the outsiders, sometimes there is even the ones that are in the middle of 2 groups. Even though this might be true it is still stereotyping. As I may agree with this others may not and I must respect that.
Sometimes there are people that say it to their face not just behind some ones back like some people judge one of my friends because she reads creep cemetery book about some creepy animals coming back to life, or she wears dark clothes, or she likes rock and music like that but that doesn’t mean she’s Goth or Emo. I remember when I as called a geek because of my glasses and the fact I have braces.
In addition in the book “The Outsiders” the group the Socs and Greasers. Everyone think the Socs are these perfect little angels. But there is a part in the book were Randy who is one of the Socs said “I wouldn’t have saved those children.” I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound very nice or perfect. Stereotyping in this book is smashed towards the end of the book because you see the true colors of almost every person.

Therefore stereotyping can hurt but yet everyone does it even if its only once.
“The outsiders” defines that they might look tough but it doesn’t mean they really are.

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