Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Maybe There is a Happy Ending

A/N: This long piece is suppose to represent word choice and context. Although I know that some of the wording is sad but I want you to know this is not true.
The moon creeps up as I walk on the cold ground, the trees peering down at me. The smallest chirp by a bug makes me jump out of my skin. Crack! I scream like a girl in a horror movie. The time flew by like I was having fun but I can tell you I was not.
9 hours earlier….
“Hey Mom,”
“Where were you?” She says, drunk as usual, but who can blame her. She was sixteen when she first had me her so-called-boyfriend left when she told him she was expecting me. She was so happy at first but then he left. He took everything…our house, food, money, everything. When she first saw the door had been closed by bank with the slip that said how long we have to move out that was dancing in the air as the wind spins it around like the horse on the broken merry go round at the abandoned amusement park.
“I was at school.” I say confused “Mom, are you ok?”
“Of course I am, honey.” She says as she stumbles over to give me a hug. I thought I would fall over here; dead body weight was overcoming just like a whale would be. I can’t help but fall which doesn’t help me at all. Actually, she sits there dazed confused on top of me. I see rage in her eyes as I help her stand up.
“Why did you make me fall?”
“I didn’t try to. I’m sorry, Mom!”
Just as she lifts her hand to hit my face, I quiver in fear like a puppy in the snow of a cold winter. I open my mouth but nothing comes out. Last thing I remember was waking to the TV on one of those old time soap opera that Mom likes; the drama filled ones almost like the teenage Barbie dolls life.
I look in the mirror in my bathroom; it looks like someone poured paint on my face. I try to cover it up but the make-up keeps smearing from the silent tear dripping down my face like the drips of water off a melting icicle.
Wham! The bathroom door flings open with my drunken mother and her creepy new boyfriend.
“What are you doing?!” he screams.
“Stop stuttering, spit it out!”
“I’m nothing, I’m nothing. I’m doing nothing. Leave me alone!”
“That’s no way to talk to Carl.” Mother says slurring her words.
“Sorry Carl.” I give him the most disgusting look I can as I push by them trying to get to the creaky front door. Just as I open the door, Carl yanks on my hair. I feel like a doll in the hands of a four year old. Carl’s holding my hair, throwing me back into the wall; I touch the back of my head the pain quickly lingers down my body.
I rush to escape turning the door. Hands numb, feet numb, body is just unaware of everything going on. That’s how got to this street because I just kept running but I can tell you this story is not over there is more for you to adore. I walk into an old school diner when suddenly I see a very familiar pair of warm inviting eyes. I look away quickly because being seen all alone in soaked clothes, hair a mess, bruises everywhere on me will not help the little image I have at the most pathetic school I know. Jake is the popular guy I know. Letterman jacket, quarterback, blonde perfect hair, he’s every girls’ dream and sadly even mine.
Jake slinks over to my booth and into the seat across to me. I avoid all eye contact just so he can’t see the bruises, as much as I would love to look into those deep blue eyes. They’re so loving, filled with so much hope not evil and disappointment like I usually see.
I mumble to myself, “What do you want?”
But he hears it, anyway.
“I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m fine!” I snap.
“Okay, geez.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
Just I as say the last word he pushes back my wet hair which already made a puddle on the table and he lifts my chin. I just hear the gasp from him. I can’t bear to look him in the eyes. So I do the only thing I really know how to do.
I ran.
I never looked back when. I think I am alone I start to walk but the moon creeps up as I walk on the cold ground, the trees peering down at me. The smallest chirp by a bug makes me jump out of my skin. Crack! I scream like a girl in a horror movie. Suddenly hands over my mouth and I’m getting spun around but as I open my tear filled eyes. I see Jake. I was mortified and happy. He cups my face gently like you would a baby in your arms. He touches my skin. The pain is like needles, I jump back.
“I’m sorry. Don’t run off.” He says to me. I sit there silent not knowing what to say but this day the day that I dreaded the most. You know the day you actually had to talk to the guy you’re madly in love with but he didn’t even know you exist. He doesn’t even know my name, I think.
Gosh, I curse that name. I never understood why my mom didn’t choose one like Hannah, or Abbey, something like that. Wait; did he just say my name? I wanted to die right there and then but I didn’t.
He grabs my hand and smiles but I look away trying to hide my cheeks that are almost as red as my high tops. Just when I thought this night couldn’t get any better, I hear him say the things I never thought he would say to me.
“Love, remember when we were little and I held you upside down in the well. I stole your ribbon from your hair.’’
I laugh and so does he. Just as he reaches into his back pocket and says “I have had this since that day.”
He lifts up a ragged, torn up ribbon a faint green color. He kisses me and whispers in my ear
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
The words Iinger in the air like I’m scared but I’m not; not now at least. He pulls me close; I can feel this body heat against my cold as ice body. He truly does love me.

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