Friday, April 27, 2012

Science Essay

Have you ever thought how stem cells actual help people? Well not only does it help with cancer and spine problems it also helps with babies born with birth defects. Stems cells are beneficial to so many things but there are a lot of controversies. 
Meanwhile everyone might have different opinions on the stem cell, but there is only one way to explain it and that is. The cell is essentially “blank” and it’s capable of changing into any other cell like skin, muscle, or a nerve cell (What is a Stem Cell?). These cells can be used as a repair system inside the body, and as long as the person alive, the cell will help out other cells (NIH Stem Cell Unit ). Scientists are trying to figure out if these cells can cure cancer or at least help out in the cure for it.
Even though they haven’t figured out if it can help cancer, yet, that is ok there is so many other things it can do. Stem cells can help damaged cells. If patents are exposed to a growth condition and develop in desired stem cells such as muscle cells these can be provided by stem cells.(NIH Stem Cell Unit ). The Amniotic Fluid was found to have stem cells that tell after the fluid is attracted from the abdomen and tested for birth defects (What is a Stem Cell?).
Although they have done great thing, there has been a lot of controversy on this research topic about what might all happen in the future or in the present. There is a big disagreement on this research because people think it takes away the right of the embryos as a equal person (Stem Cell Basic ). There might be other reason why, but really that’s the main reason why people don’t like this idea. Plus, the progress on this has been slowed down and it’s because of all the political controversies (Stem Cell Basic ).
Although people stand to agree to disagree the number of disadvantages is less the advantages. So think to yourself, why wouldn’t you want to save lives? What if you or someone in your life were in their position wouldn’t you want the same? So ask yourself why there is so much controversy if stem cells are so beneficial.

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