Monday, December 19, 2011

Different, but Similar

Author's Note: This is a comparative essay about the novels The Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard and Sarah Bishop. I wrote this to show how these stories both had similar themes, though they were used differently.

In the two books “Sarah Bishop” and “The Stolen Life” both indicate the themes of loss of innocence and bravery and courage. Although they could betray them in different ways they are also betrayed in similar ways.

To begin with the theme loss of innocence Sarah bishop loses her innocence when her brother and father are killed and she’s getting hunted by the government. To top it off people are starting to think she is a witch. In The Stolen Life Jaycee losses her innocence when she is kidnapped by some 60 year old. During the 18 years of being kidnapped. Not only was she living in a tented backyard and wasting her life not knowing anything but the stuff she was taught when she was 11but being raped. Not just once several times and to add on to that she has two girls at the ages of 13 and 16.

Furthermore, the themes of bravery and courage also play a big role in these books. In Sarah Bishop she’s living alone in a cave with a bat and other animals around her. She has to get her own food and all her clothes. In The Stolen Life, Jaycee has to overcome all the struggles of not only living in tents, not knowing who you really are, losing your childhood, but having to go through the pain of probably never seeing your own family never the less having your own daughter at the age 13.

However, these books are very different in their own way. Some of the ways they could be different is the characters are placed in different times Jaycee from The Stolen Life is in the modern day society, and Sarah is back in the when the revolutionary war was taking place.

In conclusion, these books all have other ways they show these themes and many more. Sarah Bishop and The Stolen Life are two very different books although

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bullying or just categorizing

Stereotyping, everyone has done it at least once but if you think about it it’s really not that much different from bullying. It hurts to think that one person might think your trouble or Emo just because you act different or wear different clothes. It affects them even more then you think it does.
This connects to me because in our school there are all these different groups we have the preps, the sport girls, the sport guys, the popular girls, the popular guys, and the outsiders, sometimes there is even the ones that are in the middle of 2 groups. Even though this might be true it is still stereotyping. As I may agree with this others may not and I must respect that.
Sometimes there are people that say it to their face not just behind some ones back like some people judge one of my friends because she reads creep cemetery book about some creepy animals coming back to life, or she wears dark clothes, or she likes rock and music like that but that doesn’t mean she’s Goth or Emo. I remember when I as called a geek because of my glasses and the fact I have braces.
In addition in the book “The Outsiders” the group the Socs and Greasers. Everyone think the Socs are these perfect little angels. But there is a part in the book were Randy who is one of the Socs said “I wouldn’t have saved those children.” I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound very nice or perfect. Stereotyping in this book is smashed towards the end of the book because you see the true colors of almost every person.

Therefore stereotyping can hurt but yet everyone does it even if its only once.
“The outsiders” defines that they might look tough but it doesn’t mean they really are.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ending Or A New Beginning

Author Note: This is my second sentence structure piece about Sarah and the main

The main conflict in this book is that Sarah has to survive on her own. Sarah must face many obstacles such as the death of her father and her brother getting put in jail and her house burning down. Although she had a family she was living with before for some reason she leaves them and decides to live on her own.
The reason she is living on her own is because the king is hunting her down. The king basically just killed her brother. Her dad who even supported the king was killed.
When she is on her own she meets some of the most interesting people. She meets an Indian family, a man who tries to take advantage of her, and she has a lot of creatures that come in and out of her cave.
The main conflict never really gets resolved considering she might die because a snake bit her. You might think why doesn’t she just shoot the snake but she couldn’t shoot it. She held the gun up to shoot it but she didn’t.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Live Free or Die Trying

Live Free or Die Trying #2
Author’s Note: This is a story of the point of few of Sarah Bishop.

In “Sarah Bishop“ a young girl who is only fifteen years old is named, Sarah Bishop. Sarah lives on her own and tries to survive during the Revolutionary War. This story is written from Sarah’s point of view. From this perspective, a lot of events and characters are described in a way that creates a very anxious feeling to the reader though the entire book because there is a surprise around every corner.

One way that Sarah’s point of view influences the reader’s interpretation is how this perspective shows that although her dad did believe in the king it shows that the king would kill anyone even if they did support him.

However, the reader would feel a lot differently about the death of the father if the novel was written in the point of view of the father. For instance, the reader wouldn’t react as much if the dad wasn’t tarred and feathered.

As you can see, the point of view of a story forces the reader to see just one side of an event. In “Sarah Bishop,” the narrator’s perspective makes the reader appreciate their life now because you can believe in what you want, you don’t have to be scared that your dad or one of your family members would be killed.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Author’s note: This is about the theme defying stereotypes in “The Outsider”
Has there ever been a guy you saw walking down the street and you think to yourself “Wow he must be the bad guy. Look at him! I mean the leather jacket and the boots.” But he could really be a nice guy with a soft spot for everything. Stereotypes are just people judging other people by what they look like.
In the book “The Outsiders” the society judges the group of Greaser's who are like the outsiders of this society. They are dirty, poor, greasy, not as well educated, and attractive. But they don’t have a very good family life. They might be all of these things but they always are there for their “family”. Family to them is not a mom or a dad to them it’s like their friends in there group. It doesn’t matter if their real brothers or fake brothers it’s still love.
People judging other people are just categorizing with stereotypes. They never bother to get to know the real person. But if they don’t try would you even bother to like them for who they are?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Outsiders

Authors Note: This is a piece that shows the view of Johnny during the fight with the Socs.

As we were running it was cold, and dark. I could barely see where I was walking. The flickering of the lights made it seem like something straight out of a horror film. As we head to the park it is almost dead silence, So we start to talk. I’m not really paying attention though.
We finally get to the park; I thought the walk would never end. We sit down on the cold and dewy fountain. For a few seconds it was the only things we could hear. The water rushing from the fountain was peaceful, but spooky.

All of a sudden I see five dark figures coming towards us. As I look closer and closer I see its Bob and his group of Socs they seem a little tipsy and uncoordinated. They started talking Bob said “Hey whatta ya know, here the little greasers that picked up our girls. Hey greasers.” I said, “You’re outa your territory. You better watch it.” “Nup, Pal yer the one better watch it. Next time you want to broad, pick up yer own kind-dirt” I could tell Ponyboy was getting mad but I was also I wasn’t really surprise considering Bob is a total jerk. Bob just went on about how greasers are trash but were not the trash he is. I could see Ponyboy just couldn’t take it anymore He just spit on Bob. He did the thing that all the Greasers have been wanting to do for a really long time.

Finally Socs just grab Ponyboy and held him in the water. They were drowning him. I start to panic, I didn’t know what to do. I froze just for a quick second. Then I grab my switch blade and I killed him. I killed Bob. I just panicked but they let go of Ponyboy. He looks confused. I tell him we have to run. We don’t know where or for how long but we a just going to run.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Proud to be an American

Love, care, honor, and hope what do these words mean to you? What’s the first thing that pops into your head? A lot of you probably think a child or your family and friends. I thought that to but I realized they all are our country the love is everyone in the country supporting each other. Care stands for all the Police, Fire Fighters, Army, and many more jobs that people volunteer for. The honor stands for the soldiers that are fighting for our freedom and our lives. Last but not least hope. Hope is for all the kids and adults that are homeless or poor.
One of the reasons why we should love our country is because it’s a free country. We can speak or minds and know we won’t get shot or killed or even punished for what we believe in or think. I am a very big believer on how the death penalty should be banned from jails and I have the right to think that. If you don’t agree with me you can think that to.
The second reason why is because we have allot of the medical supplies and schooling. If you have a simple cold you can go to the doctor and they’ll right you a prescription. They is more schooling for kids to get a better education and get a better job.

What does hope, love, honor, and care mean to you? There are many reasons why you should love your country but those were just a few. Other examples are we are a democracy or that the president is trying to do every the can even though it might have some flaws he will still make it better.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Death a Crime or a Punishment

Death a crime or a punishment
Author’s Note: This piece is a persuasive piece about how we should not have the death penalty.
Ever one says dying is a circle of life and it is. Thinking about it though can you imagine waiting to die in a room, barley bigger then a walk in closet. Where everyone can see you do anything and everything.
One reason you shouldn’t put someone to death because of a crimes is because everyone deserves a second chance no matter who you are no matter what you have done. What if they have a family the sight of watching your father or mother die right in front of you I can’t imagine going through that staring at your family member as she or he is being killed.
Second reason why I feel like the death penalty should not happen is because if you think about it aren’t you killing another man so if he’s a killer wouldn’t that make you one too. If you’re a killer shouldn’t you be dead too and then the person that kills you should be killed to and then it will just go on.
The third reason is because what if the man you but to death is innocent of his crime that he was accused of. In the U.S alone 10/39 people every year will be killed but they could have been innocent. If you kill an innocent man the guilt on you would be huge.
Waiting to be killed in a room no bigger than a walk in closet people say dying is just a circle of life but the weight of that is just painful. This is why we shouldn’t have the death penalty.

The Stolen Life

The Stolen life
By Emma Carlson

Time is forever but once it’s gone its gone and you can’t get it back. Jaycee Dugard knows this better than anyone, she can never get back the eighteen years of her life this old man and woman took from her from and her family on June 10, 1991 when she was only 11 years old.
It all started out one nice summer day in California she woke up feeling sick she was going to ask if she could stay home but her step dad was there and he didn’t like her very much. So she brushed it off and went to eat breakfast. After that she went to stand at the bus. As she walking to the bus she feels a quick stun and she was out she was so weak. She tries to grab something but what or whoever it is, is to strong…..
As she wakes up, she notices that she is in a dark room on a mattress. The man walks in and then he say that he has to put these handcuffs on because he doesn’t trust her yet. She keeps asking when can, I go home he keeps saying I don’t know. He leaves her, the tears start pouring down her cheek. She tries to get up but she is still weak. He comes in a few hours later bringing her food. As he sets the food down he takes off the handcuffs and leaves. He comes back a later and takes the trash and the tray the food was on then puts the handcuffs back on her.
Two years later she finds out that she is pregnant. She doesn’t know what to do she Is not trying to freak out but she was only 13 she didn’t know anything about being a mother. Phillip which is the man that kidnapped her brought her a TV in her cold dark and she watched pregnancy shows all through the months. Once the baby was ready to come she was home alone. Finally Phillip came in. He called for his wife and she brought towels and water and everything they needed. After a tough day she final sees her baby girl.
Three years after having her first child she had another baby girl when she was 16. But the two girls didn’t know that Jaycee was actually hers they thought Jaycee was there older sister. Finally one day Phillip and the two girls are driving and the police pulls them over. She notices that he looks familiar. So she brings him in to do questioning and one of the other police officers was talking to the two girls. She noticed they didn’t talk much but they did tell her that they had a older sister. She wanted them to bring the whole family in. The lady asked Jaycee for her name she didn’t know what to say. She wrote it down on a piece of paper because she was to scare to say it out loud.