Sunday, May 20, 2012

Irony Of It All

Irony hits the best of us. “The Lotteryby Shirley Jackson irony hits Tessie. Now The Lottery in the story “The Lottery” is not like it is now. Usually when you win all this money, prizes, ect. But it is way different the lottery back then you would get stoned and eventually you die.
Tessie showed up late for the lottery and she was so excited for it. But that all turns once it’s her husband turn to pick the ticket. When suddenly they all turn over there paper to find their family has to drawn again. She screams “no this isn’t fair, he didn’t have enough time.” Her family went up and she drew the awful horrible card. So in result she had to die. The irony of it she was ok with stoning someone else but when it came down to her she freaked.
So irony can hit even the most innocent of us. But even sometimes irony can be good not always bad. In one way its good is when someone does something good and then something good happens to them.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Author’s Note: I wrote this piece to represent Main Idea/ theme. The whole theme idea of this is Loss of Family.  In the story The Lovely Bones, the Salmon family just lost their daughter Susie. The family is not taking it well at all. At the mention of Susie’s name, the mother chokes up.

 Her mother kept calling her through this whole awful event. She kept saying: “We’re having string beans and lamb; your brother has a new finger painting, and I made apple crumb cake.” But Susie couldn’t say a word; she was just stuck under the dead weight of Mr. Harvey.  “He took the hat from my mouth. Tell me you love me he said. Gently I did. The end came anyway.” Susie tells us this right before the 2nd chapter which leads us to when she is in heaven after her brutal murder/rape.

The Salmon family had to stick together a few days after Susie didn’t come home. They found her elbow and only her elbow. The rest of her body was in a cloth bag shoved in a safe at the bottom of a sink hole. This story is really emphasizes the meaning of family before Susie died. Her dad and her use to make ships inside the bottle. She would hold the bottle for him and he would carefully place every little piece just how he wanted. No one else likes to help the Father besides Susie since they thought it was boring but she stated that she liked it, fascinated by it actually.

 When Susie was up in heaven, she could look down and see what people were doing. She saw that her Father smashed all the ships; she saw her brother confused as to why she wasn’t home. She knew he didn’t understand the concept of death and the family knew it would kill him if he knew. While watching the dad and the brother, she saw her mom crying when no one was around, her sister taking the blame and going down the wrong path to try to get over the loss.

While she waited and watched her family mourn over her, she watched Mr. Harvey. She prayed for the day he was caught. She questioned why he wasn’t as careful, I mean, a cloth bad for a dripping corpse, overnight wouldn’t it seep through? “He was so calm like he’s done this before” Susie thought to herself. What if he has done this before?

In conclusion to this, I mean, you have to have courage to move on after a loss. You need supportive, caring, and loving people around you. Susie’s sister was sent to talk to the guidance counselor but she refused to talk. She acted like nothing even happened but if you knew what she was thinking; you would know she is dying inside.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Talk

Author’s note: I’m writing this piece to represent my prediction by creating some new pages in the book The Lovely Bones. The new Pages I’m creating is about after Susie’s dad comes to talk to Ray and Ray is in his room thinking about everything that just happened.

“Ray I’m sorry” my Father says blank hearted, no tenderness, no sincerity.
He just gets up and walks away like its just some boy. He is not “some boy” he was my first love, I loved him! And he loved me back I know he did he even wrote me a love letter and everything! But no he acts like it doesn’t even matter!
“Thank you Mr. Salmon, I.. I just miss her so much, you know?” Ray said in his cute little accent that made me melt whenever he said the simplest words to me.
“I know how you feel” my dad said as he stands up to leave.
 “Have a good night Mr. Salmon”
“You to” Dad yells as the door creaks closed with a big loud BANG as it hitches back into place.
“I’m going up too my room, mum” Ray says with tears coming through to the surface of his eyes.
“Oh, Ok dinner will be ready in 10 minutes. Are you ok?” His mom questioned trying to hold back the urge to hold her son close and let him cry all the tears in his beautiful eyes.
 “Yeah I’ll be fine just… just need some time to think that’s all”. He lies on his bed tears streaming down his face He keeps repeating “why her, why her” I tend to ask that same question myself why me why me? Why did Mr. Harvey choose me? Did he always feel that way towards me? Was he longing for the day where he can finally get me alone to do all those awful things to? Or was I just a random pick, an easy target? What was it, why me?
 “Why her, Why her!” he screams out so loud I swear his voice might shake the heaven and earth. He keeps repeating that over and over every time getting louder and louder until suddenly he just breaks. His voice cracks and in storms his mom like lighting she storms over and holds him close as he bawls and repeating I loved her. I miss her, why her. I wanted to cry forever and ever I wanted to tell him I’m okay; heavens not bad. But I can’t I wish I could, I would give just one day to tell him I love him back.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,
Heyy its Hoop here, O.M.G I totally saw the cutest nose ring today he was sooooo hot O.M.G I almost died! H was perfectly polished an sparkly ohh he was so cute I can’t wait to see him tomorrow. Ok, Ok you probably think my day was great but I can tell you diary it wasn’t! I mean ok it was good when I saw stud but that witch was totally flirting with him I wanted to cry/ I don’t know what else I wanted to do but I gotta tell ya I was furious! Plus he was totally flirting back!

As the day went on I had to sit through Social Studies, which let me tell you it was diffidently social. I got to talk to my best friend Loop, she’s also hoop earrings. We talked the whole time about our crushes stud and Gage. Next was Science our favorite subject because I had stud in that class! YAY! He talked to me I mean he has before but something felt different like it was I don’t I t was just different.

After Science came math which hurt my head considering kept getting tugged on by some guy he thought it was so funny yeah how would you liked if I pulled you? I don’t think you would like that! After math we had lunch we sat across from stud ohh he was looking fine!
After all the morning classes we got to the fun classes because now we had art my favorite subject right now I’m working on a perfect master piece two ballerina Shoes looping around the strings all in clay. I can’t wait! Now we Choir geez can they at least sing on key I mean some one! It’s not that hard! Laaaaaaaaa la la la! See not that hard!

Finally we’re home and stud said he would call he told me he was going to call! Oh I can’t wait I mean its stud! Stud, out of all the hoop earring in this world he choose me. O.M.G I think m cells ringing it totally him got to go diary tell you later what he says
- The lonely earrings
 P.s. He totally just asked me out!