Sunday, May 20, 2012

Irony Of It All

Irony hits the best of us. “The Lotteryby Shirley Jackson irony hits Tessie. Now The Lottery in the story “The Lottery” is not like it is now. Usually when you win all this money, prizes, ect. But it is way different the lottery back then you would get stoned and eventually you die.
Tessie showed up late for the lottery and she was so excited for it. But that all turns once it’s her husband turn to pick the ticket. When suddenly they all turn over there paper to find their family has to drawn again. She screams “no this isn’t fair, he didn’t have enough time.” Her family went up and she drew the awful horrible card. So in result she had to die. The irony of it she was ok with stoning someone else but when it came down to her she freaked.
So irony can hit even the most innocent of us. But even sometimes irony can be good not always bad. In one way its good is when someone does something good and then something good happens to them.


  1. I believe that you could have added a little more to the paragraphs, and added more detail to what had happened. Overall you got the point across, but you could have added more.

  2. I very much agree with you i think that it is so ironic how she is so excited to win the lottery then she realizes that she is going to have to be killed by her neighborhood with rocks
